…Cène en relation avec d’autres croyances baptistes Les convictions baptistes sur le baptême et la Cène ne sont pas isolées. Elles sont étroitement liées les unes aux autres ainsi qu’à d’autres doctrines chéries par les baptistes. Le baptême et la Cène sont liés. Les baptistes croient que la Cène ne doit être partagé qu’avec ceux qui sont nés de nouveau et ont été baptisés. En cela ils fondent leurs croyances sur la Bible, notamment sur le baptême et la Cène. La Bible rapporte que les églises du Nouveau Testament pratiquaient le baptême et la Cène, dans cet ordre et de manière symbolique. Ces églises étaient composées de personnes qui avaient été sauvées et baptisées. Les baptistes croient que ce même modèle devrait être suivi aujourd’hui. Croyant en la seigneurie du Christ, les baptistes fondent leurs croyances concernant le baptême et la Cène sur les enseignements de Jésus. Ils baptistes utilisent souvent le mot « ordonnances » pour les désigner car elles ont été ordonnées ou commandées par Jésus lui-même (Matthieu 28:19 ; Luc 22:19 ; 1 Corinthiens 11:24-25). Ils soulignent également que le salut est obtenu par la grâce de Dieu, la foi en Christ uniquement, et non par les…

…things can be done, making prayer a primary ingredient in all that is done. A church should emphasize the importance of a born-again church membership, stressing that a salvation experience ought always to precede church membership. Each person should assume responsibility for evaluating his or her spiritual condition, answering questions such as, “Have I truly experienced salvation by faith in Christ?” and “Am I growing as a Christian?” Persons should be urged to seek spiritual council if the answers are “no.” A church should establish an insightful, discerning and loving process that would evaluate whether persons seeking membership give evidence of having been born again. A church should also maintain an effective class for prospective and new members to teach the plan of salvation, the importance of Christian maturity and the expectations for church members. Such a class should be both for those joining the church by profession of faith and those joining by letter or statement. Conclusion We ought to do all that we can, with God’s help, to achieve the biblical goal of a born-again church. Failure to try will result in terrible consequences for individuals, churches, and the advancement of the cause of Christ. “Baptists in the…

The following information describes our privacy policy. By visiting our site, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice. Baptist Distinctives takes the utmost precautions to protect user information. Concerning your personal information: what do we collect, and how do we use it? Your personal information is only collected if you log on, place an order or register with us. When you place an order you will be asked for the following personal information: your name, e-mail address, billing address, delivery address and phone number. We will only disclose the information that is absolutely necessary with those third parties that are involved in the processing of your order. For example, the shipping carrier that delivers your order. We do not share, sell, rent or barter any identifiable personal information to any third party without your permission. When you submit feedback or questions via e-mail, or contact us for information about our web site, we will request your name and e-mail address. We use this information solely to respond to your inquiries….

…educational resources are required to meet the needs of a wide variety of persons. Churches confront the challenge of getting people to take part in educational opportunities. Scores of activities clamor for the time of persons, young and old. Church education must be relevant, appealing and accessible in an assortment of ways. Colleges and seminaries deal with issues that are often controversial, such as academic freedom, qualifications for teachers and the content of curriculum. How best to integrate Christian faith and academic pursuits confronts Baptists with an ongoing challenge. It is vital that Baptist principles not be on the fringe but at the center of the educational process that provides a quality academic experience. The relation of universities to Baptist denominational entities, such as Baptist state conventions, raises significant questions in regard to governance and financial support. The historical record of Baptist schools indicates that as schools loosen their relationship with Baptist conventions they tend to become less committed to Baptist distinctives. Adequate financial support for Christian education has been an age-old challenge. If denominational support for schools wanes, the institutions may turn more and more to other sources. This can lead to a lessening of commitment to Baptist principles….

…a través de palabra y hecho. Mientras que ha ido creciendo la denominación Bautista, los Bautistas siguen contribuyendo de gran manera en varios aspectos de la sociedad. Han poblado las aulas de la academia y las salas de las juntas directivas de corporaciones influyentes. Se encuentran tanto en las filas como en el liderazgo de ámbitos tan variados como los negocios, las artes, los deportes, el mundo de entretenimiento, las fuerzas militares, y el gobierno. Antes prohibidos de llevar cargos públicos, ellos han servido como jueces, gobernadores, alcaldes, senadores, diputados, y presidentes. Samuel “Sam” Houston (1793-1863) es un ejemplo de esto. Fue elegido como el primer presidente de la República de Texas en 1836. Fue bautizado el 19 de noviembre, de 1854 en la iglesia Bautista “Independencia” de Independence, Texas, mientras que él fungía como senador de los Estados Unidos; y luego sirvió como gobernador del estado. En el mundo de la religión, los Bautistas han producido un verdadero ejército de pastores, maestros, misioneros, y líderes de iglesias. Han formado a grandes evangelistas como Billy Graham (1918-2018), autores influyentes como Walter Rauschenbusch (1861-1918), educadores sobresalientes como Francis Wayland (1796-1865), organizadores visionarios como Nannie Helen Burroughs (1879-1961), y voceros valientes de…

…و‘‘الفصل بين الكنيسة والدولة’’ و‘‘الأساليب الأساسية التي يتعامل بها المعمدانيُّون مع العالم’’. بعض هذه الموضوعات- إنْ لم يكُن أغلبها- مثيرٌ للجدل. وليس هذا غريبًا؛ فالاختلافات الساخنة بين المعمدانيِّين ليست جديدةً، بل يُعبِّر المعمدانيُّون بشغفٍ وحماسةٍ عن قناعاتهم. لاحِظْ أنَّ التزامَنا تُجاهَ حرِّيَّة التفسير والتعبير قد يقود إلى حدوث اختلافات. دون شكّ، لا يمكن أن تتناوَلَ هذه المقالات الموجزة مثل هذه الموضوعات بما يكفي. فإذا أردْتَ الاطِّلاع على المزيد، يُمكنك زيارة الموقع الإلكترونيّ: www.baptistdistinctives.org. وسيُقدِّم هذا الموقع هذه المقالات وموارد أُخرى عن كلِّ موضوعٍ على حِدة (باللغة الإنكليزيَّة). نُقدِّم هذه المقالات بروح الصَّلاة راجين أن تكونَ النتيجةُ هي فَهْمَ مَنْ يكون المعمدانيُّون وما يُميِّزهم، وسبب افتقارنا إلى معرفتهم، ومكان ظهور هذه المقالات وزمانه، وأيضًا السَّعي إلى تقديم مسألة المسيح حول العالم. في عام 2004م، أراد نوبل هيرلي قُبَيل وَفاته أن يُشاركَ معلوماتٍ عن المعتقدات التي تُميِّز المعمدانيِّين، وقد أسَّس صندوق الهُوِيَّة المعمدانيَّة بقيادة جين ونوبل هيرلي لنَشْر هذه السلسلة، وطلبَ إلى وليَم بينسون جونيور ودوريس تينكر إعدادَ هذه المقالات. إجابات قِسم ‘‘هل تعلم أنَّ…؟’’ الوارد في هذه المقالة هل تعلم أنَّ قِسًّا معمدانيًّا دعا لأوَّل حُكمٍ في أميركا يكفلُ الحرِّيَّة الدينيَّة الكاملة للجميع؟ روجر وليَمز هل تعلم أنَّ أوَّل مبشِّرَين خرجا من أميركا لم يكونا معمدانيَّين عندما أبحرا في حقل الإرساليَّة،…

…for orientation of new staff, officers, committee members, and trustees of related institutions about Baptist history and identity. Provide a class or group study on Baptist identity for the staff of your organization and utilize the Series as a resource. Promote the use of the Series in publications of your organization. Display the Baptist Identity Leaflets and the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book in the offices of your organization. Prepare a display on Baptist identity at meetings of your organization, utilizing the Series in the display and encouraging persons to take copies of the Baptist Identity Leaflets. Provide the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book, the Personal Study Guides book, and a packet of the Baptist Identity Leaflets for each trustee and administrator of entities related to your organization. Promote the use of the Baptist Identity Series in churches, institutions, and other Baptist organizations. Encourage officers, staff, trustees, committee members, and others who are part of the function of your organization to utilize the Series in the church of which they are a member. Publicize the website www.baptistdistinctives.org and encourage its use. “…among the finest I have ever seen.” Denominational Executive “…very explicit, concise, and yet highly informative…” Baptist Church Member…

Here are some suggestions for Baptist Identity Series use by State and Regional Baptist Entities (Conventions, Women’s and Men’s Organizations, Affinity Groups): Give the Baptist Identity Series to each officer, committee member, and staff person of the organization. Distribute the Baptist Identity Leaflets at meetings of the organization, such as annual sessions and other gatherings. Have a display on Baptist identity at organization’s meetings, using the Series as a resource for the display. Urge associations to utilize the Series; send them a copy of the Series. Encourage entities related to the organization to distribute the Baptist Identity Leaflets at their meetings. Provide the Series for each trustee and chief executive of institutions related to the convention. Provide the Series to each campus minister of the convention and encourage its use with the students. Recommend that chaplains related to the convention use the Series in their ministry. Request convention staff members who assist in starting new churches to give the Series to the leadership of each new congregation. Encourage churches to utilize the Series and send the Series to each pastor. Use the Series as a resource for conferences on Baptist identity and for classes on Baptist belief and heritage for…

Here are some suggestions for Baptist Identity Series use by Baptist Institutions (Universities, Seminaries, Child and Elder Care, Medical Centers): Provide the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book, the Personal Study Guides book, and a packet of the Baptist Identity Leaflets for each new trustee, perhaps at a time of orientation. Place in the library copies of the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book and a packet of the Baptist Identity Leaflets. Arrange a Baptist identity display and include the Baptist Identity Series in it. Make the Baptist Identity Leaflets publicly available in a way to encourage persons to take copies. Provide a set of the Series for each administrator, staff member, and other employees. Encourage these persons not only to use the materials in the Series personally but to also use them in their church if they are members of a Baptist church. Have the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book available in the institution’s gift shop. Post information on Baptist identity on bulletin boards and the institution’s website, using material from the Series. Utilize and promote the use of the website www.baptistdistinctives.org. Universities and Seminaries—utilize the Baptist Identity Series in courses on Baptist history and identity, provide the Baptist Identity Leaflets…