…Bible. Baptists believe that congregational governance best reflects the practices of those churches described in the New Testament. For example, the members of a church acting in concert, not any one person or group, made major decisions (Acts 6:1-6; 13:1-3; 15:22; 2 Corinthians 8:1-13). Salvation Only by Grace through Faith. Baptists believe that all persons who are redeemed have come by grace to saving faith in Christ, not by works, social status, or any other thing (Ephesians 2:8-10). The ground at the foot of the cross is level. Therefore, no Baptist is to lord it over another. Thus, a church is to be governed by all of the people together under the lordship of Christ. Soul Competency and the Priesthood of Believers. Persons have a God-given competence to know and to follow God’s will. Those who respond by faith to God’s grace-gift of salvation become “believer priests” (1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 5:1-10). Each believer priest has direct access to God through the Scriptures and prayer and is free under the guidance of the Holy Spirit to determine God’s will. Furthermore, each believer also is part of a “royal priesthood” in which Jesus Christ is the High Priest (Hebrews 7-10). This…

…made valuable input for the final product which is a resource from the Texas Baptist Heritage Center. What Are The Goals of the Baptist Identity Series? The Baptist Identity Series is the result of a decade-long process involving scores of persons. The primary goals of the process were to develop materials that would… Inform and inspire persons about Bible-based Baptist beliefs and heritage in order to strengthen the Baptist contribution to helping fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ. Supply a resource to be used both by individuals and by groups studying Baptist identity. Produce attractive, colorful, and relatively brief materials to supplement the many large volumes of textual material on Baptists that are already available. Interrelate with a website that provides additional information on Baptists. Make available resources at a reasonable cost. Major on what Baptists hold in common rather than on divisive matters. Contribute resources that would be useful to scholars and laypersons alike but prepared in a “popular” style. Comments/Testimonials Concerning the Baptist Identity Series The original twenty-seven articles, the website www.baptistdistinctives.org, the Baptist Identity Leaflets, and the field testing of materials for the Baptist Identity Series have brought about many…

…leaflets to persons interested in knowing about Baptist beliefs and practices. Use the leaflets along with the Personal Study Guides book as a resource for scripture memory and personal devotional time. Provide the Baptist Identity Leaflets to members of your Sunday School class. Make the leaflets and Personal Study Guides book a resource for family worship times. Baptist Identity Series set Distribute copies of the set that includes the leaflets and the three books in the Series to members of your family, such as brothers and sisters, children away from home, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, and others. Give a set to your pastor. Suggest to your pastor that a study be done on Baptist beliefs and practices using the Baptist Identity Series as a resource. Present the Series as a gift to persons on special occasions such as their baptism, ordination, or receipt of an award or recognition. Baptist Distinctives Website Consult the website www.baptistdistinctives.org for additional information. Download copies of articles on the website to supplement the material in the Baptist Identity Series. “…a resource of Bible-based beliefs that can be used for individual study/review, leadership development, and church planning/preparation.” Deacon “…provides a concise, easy-to-read survey of Baptists…” Baptist Editor…

…priests. By searching the teachings of believer priests in the past and by seeking out the wisdom of those in the present, persons are aided in their understanding of the Bible and of God’s will. The Baptist model of a church rests on the concept of the priesthood of believers. A church is made up of persons who have exercised their God-given competency by believing in Jesus as Savior and Lord and by voluntarily associating with a particular fellowship of believers. Each believer priest in the fellowship is equal to all of the others. Therefore, no one is in authority over all. Thus decisions are made by the community of priests seeking to know the will of the head of the church, the great High Priest, Jesus Christ. They do this by prayer, Bible study, meditation, discussion and decision. Conclusion So, which is it? Priesthood of the believer or priesthood of believers? It is not either/or but both/and. The term “the priesthood of the believer” communicates the biblical emphasis on the individual and soul competency. The term “priesthood of believers” communicates the biblical emphasis on community and fellowship. Throughout history in all aspects of life, a tension has existed between…

…of human thought. It is not an authority in science. It does not claim to be.” Hobbs also writes, “The Bible lays no claim to being a textbook of history, literature, philosophy, psychology or science. Yet it contains true elements of all these and more.” The Authority of the Bible Relates to Other Basic Baptist Beliefs Because Baptists regard the Bible as the sole written authority for faith and practice, the Bible is foundational for Baptist doctrine and church polity. Baptist statements of belief through the centuries have always cited Scriptures for each belief set forth. On the authority of the Bible, Baptists base beliefs in matters such as salvation by grace through faith alone, the priesthood of all believers, soul competency, believer’s baptism, the symbolic nature of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, a church membership only of those who have been born again, congregational church governance, the autonomy of churches, religious freedom, and voluntary cooperation for missions and ministry. Some of these basic convictions relate in a special way to how Baptists view and interpret the Bible. For example, belief in soul competency and the priesthood of all believers leads Baptists to insist that each believer-priest is competent to…

…and persecuted by both religious organizations and governments, to one of the largest denominations in the world? Why have Baptists sacrificed comfort, possessions and even life itself to minister to others and to work for religious freedom for all? Although no simple answer exists to questions such as these, the why of Baptist action is rooted in basic Baptist beliefs. Baptists are a vastly diverse people. Nevertheless, they hold certain basic doctrines and practices in common. No single doctrine or polity defines Baptists, but taken as a whole, they make Baptists a distinctive denomination. Some of these convictions, such as a belief in God, are held by all Christians. Others, such as belief in congregational governance, are held in common with certain denominations. However, the entire combination of beliefs, polities and practices held by Baptists makes them a unique fellowship of Christians. Basic doctrines include these: The lordship of Jesus Christ, the Bible as the sole written authority for faith and practice, soul competency, salvation only by a voluntary response of repentance and faith to God’s grace through the gift of his Son, the priesthood of all believers, baptism of believers only and only by immersion and a regenerate (born…

…La série traitera des convictions et des pratiques baptistes fondamentales, en fournissant des bases bibliques et un contexte historique. Les sujets abordés comprennent la seigneurie du Christ, l’autorité de la Bible, la compétence de l’âme, la nature du salut, le sacerdoce des croyants, le baptême des croyants, l’appartenance à l’église et la politique de l’église, l’autonomie, la coopération volontaire, la liberté religieuse et la séparation de l’église et de l’état, ainsi que les principales relations des baptistes avec le monde. Certains, sinon la plupart, de ces sujets sont controversés. Ce n’est pas surprenant. Les divergences passionnées entre baptistes ne sont pas nouvelles. Il a été dit que les baptistes ne sont pas un peuple silencieux. Au contraire, les baptistes expriment leurs convictions avec passion. Notre engagement en faveur de la liberté d’interprétation et d’expression entraîne des différences. Bien sûr, de tels articles brefs ne peuvent pas traiter de ces sujets de manière adéquate. Afin de rendre plus d’informations disponibles, un site web proposera des articles et des ressources sur chaque sujet. Reportez-vous à www.baptistdistinctives.org. Ces articles sont publiés accompagnés de la prière que le résultat final sera non seulement une meilleure compréhension du qui, du quoi, du pourquoi, de l’où…

“Yea, I have a goodly heritage.” Psalm 16:6 “Every Baptist ought to know why he is a Baptist, and to know it from the specific commands of God’s Word. Not to have such knowledge is for our churches to be harmed in every way.” George W. Truett Pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, 1897-1944 Baptists number in the millions worldwide and frequently make news. Yet little is known about Baptists by the world in general and what is known is often misunderstood. Even some Baptists are not familiar with Baptist beliefs and practices, heritage and history. For example, did you know… …a Baptist pastor established the first form of governance in America that provided complete religious freedom for all …the first Baptist missionaries from America were not Baptists when they set sail for the mission field but became Baptists on the way to the mission field …the first Baptist pastor in England was imprisoned by King James I (of King James Bible fame) for insisting that all persons should have freedom to worship …the first elected president of the Republic of Texas became an outstanding Texas Baptist layman …some of the earliest Baptists practiced baptism by pouring and not…

…Les diacres ne sont pas considérés comme un corps dirigeant mais comme des leaders serviteurs. Dans une église baptiste, le processus de sélection des diacres implique l’ensemble de la congrégation. Bien que les églises diffèrent en ce qui concerne les détails du processus, la pratique courante est que l’ensemble de l’église vote sur les personnes qui seront sélectionnées comme diacres. Le rôle de diacre varie d’une église à l’autre. Dans de nombreuses églises, il est demandé aux diacres d’évaluer et de recommander des questions importantes à soumettre au vote de l’ensemble de la congrégation. Les églises impliquent les diacres dans divers ministères, dont la visite des malades, l’aide aux familles en détresse et le secours aux pauvres. Ordination baptiste Les baptistes croient que l’ordination ne confère pas à une personne des pouvoirs ou une autorité particulière. C’est un moyen d’indiquer aux églises et au monde en général qu’une personne a été accréditée comme étant digne d’être pasteur ou diacre. Ces dernières années, les baptistes ont étendu l’ordination à d’autres personnes exerçant un ministère, comme les aumôniers, les missionnaires et les membres du personnel de l’église. Tous les baptistes ne sont pas d’accord pour dire que l’ordination est nécessaire ou même…

…Deus quanto a liberdade de escolha da humanidade. Embora essas duas verdades pareçam ser irreconciliáveis aos olhos humanos, batistas geralmente abraçam as duas sem qualquer tentativa de conciliá-las. Assim como batistas esceveram os Artigos de Fé para a Associação Batista União em 1840: “Acreditamos na doutrina da soberania de Deus e na liberdade do homem como passível de responsabilidade.” Eles tamém declararam, “Nós acreditamos na perseverança final dos santos pela graça para glória.” Portanto, a maioria dos batistas argumentam que a pessoa tem liberdade de escolha para acreditar em Cristo como seu Senhor e Salvador ou para rejeitar a Cristo. Eles insistem que qualquer pessoa que responda com arrependimento e fé ao sacríficio expiatório de vida, morte e ressureição de Jesus pode ser salvo (I Timóteo 2.3-4; II Pedro 3.9; I João 2.2) Eles citam com convicção as palavras de Jesus “que todo aquele que crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna” (João 3.16). Eles também acreditam que uma vez que a pessoa foi verdadeiramente salva, ela é mantida pelo poder de Deus; isso é chamado de segurança do crente (João 10.27-30). Conclusão Embora nem todos os batistas concordem sobre o significado de graça e fé, todos os batistas…