…church paper or website. Prepare a display in the church library of the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book, the individual Baptist Identity Leaflets, and the Personal Study Guides book and have the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book available for check out. Encourage church members to use the website www.baptistdistinctives.org. Prospective and New Member Orientation Provide copies of the Baptist Identity Leaflets or the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book to prospective church members. Utilize the Series in classes for new and prospective church members. Give the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book and the Personal Study Guides book to persons joining the church and to each baptismal candidate. Church Leadership Development Give the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book and the Personal Study Guides book to church leaders such as deacons, Sunday School teachers, Bible Fellowship teachers, and staff members and utilize the Series in conferences and retreats for these groups. Provide each member of a pastor search committee a copy of the Baptist Beliefs and Heritage book and the Personal Study Guides book. “…leaflets would be an exciting Bible study guide for our youth and adults.” Pastor “I certainly endorse this tool for sharing of Baptist history and beliefs.” Sunday School Teacher…

How can information be obtained for ordering the materials? The website www.baptistdistinctives.org contains information about ordering the Baptist Identity Series. The website contains information on cost, methods of ordering, and a form for ordering. Having the information on a website enables it to be updated for any changes in cost, shipping, or other items. Can separate items of the Series be ordered or just the entire Series? Ideally, all of the items would be ordered. However, each item in the Series, such as each of the books and the packet of leaflets, can be ordered separately. Can the leaflets be ordered individually? The Baptist Identity Leaflets were designed to be used together, interrelated with each relating to one or more of the distinctives that make Baptists Baptist. Therefore, the leaflets are offered in a packet of all nineteen. The leaflets are also available in the book Baptist Beliefs and Heritage. Is there a discount for ordering large quantities of the material? The cost of ordering multiple copies of any or all of the items is less per item than ordering only a single item. What is the cost for mailing the material? No charge for mailing is applied to orders,…

…se tornar um membro da igreja local. Batistas consideram batismo não tanto como um ato individual, mas como algo relacionado a comunidade de crentes envolvidos, ou seja, a igreja local. Em certo sentido, o batismo simboliza uma aliança entre batizados e da igreja. Conclusão Por acreditarem firmemente na liberdade religiosa, os batistas respeitam o direito dos outros de batizarem de qualquer maneira que escolham. Da mesma forma, como batistas, desejamos exercer o direito de praticar nossas crenças. Batistas passaram por terrível perseguição no passado por causa do seu compromisso com o batismo do crente. Sem dúvida, os batistas hoje são apegados ao batismo do crente, não levando o assunto como de menor importância, fazendo todos os esforços para garantir que as gerações seguintes entendam seu grande significado. “Que o batismo é uma ordenança do Novo Testamento, dada por Cristo, a ser administrado apenas a pessoas que professam a fé, ou que são discípulos, ou ensinadas, que, professando a sua fé devem ser batizadas.”“A forma e o modo de administrar essa ordenação é definido nas Escrituras como sendo por imersão de todo o corpo debaixo de água ….” Artigos XXXIX e XL da Primeira Confissão de Londres dos Batistas em 1644…